Saturday, April 25, 2009
Been a week since I update...
busy with work and really tired
big chance bcos time clock really shift
2nd week over since i started working
marching on to the 3rd week...
sian,have to work on my bdae on monday...
dun really want to waste my leave since there is only 1 day per month
mum and frenz asking me wat i want for bdae...
seriously,i got no idea...
i told her give me $$ & i go buy...
more practical...
maybe it's bcos i plan to buy everything myself...
i plan to get
1) a bag that can fit for all occasions
2)more tops & bottoms to change my wardrobe..
3)covered shoes + sandals/slippers
actually plan to buy all these if gg to bk..
but now .....
seem a little hard to go to the trip due to the situation now...
saving up to go bk and taiwan...
hope can make it in time ba...
took a pic with my ex colleague b4 she left for school...

Dearest Priscilla and me...
8:12 PM